
Good Boost’s artificial-intelligence recommendation system is built-upon published clinical research for musculoskeletal exercise and rehabilitation on land and in water.

The exercise recommendation knowledge map includes clinical guidelines and best-clinical practice with input from clinicians and researchers who specialise in exercise rehabilitation.

Below are the options for hydro and land with an overview of the research based and the conditions supported through aquatic and land rehabilitation exercise.

Additional Information

Oxford Brookes University

Research Partner

Good Boost works in collaboration with Oxford Brookes University to complete on-going research in service improvement audits and validation of outcome measures. We work with Prof. Helen’s Dawes team at the Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences (MOReS)


Independent Clinical Audit of AI

Independent Clinical Audit with Aquatic Therapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapist (ATACP) completed to review the exercise selected by Good Boost AI compared to qualified therapists

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Data Report 2020

Good Boost completed analysis of our data sets in March 2020 for submission to the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) MSK Technology team for review. The outcome from that analysis can be viewed below.

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Good Boost completes quarterly internal reviews of our artificial intelligence knowledge map and recommendation process to ensure the ongoing suitability of exercise selection alongside clinical guidelines and published research.

Good Boost completes annual external clinical audits of our artificial intelligence exercise recommendation with external and independent Physiotherapists and MSK clinicians.

Good Boost is a Class 1 Medical Device registered with the Medicines and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) (Reference number 8727 under device category of Biomechanical function analysis/rehabilitation software.)

Good Boost is an
reviewed medical-app in the bone/joint/muscle category.

Good Boost’s exercise recommendation system is informed by published clinical research and clinical guidelines. For more information, please view the report.

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